Mommy Brigade

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

22 weeks Pregnant!!

Well Hello there! Sorry it's been forever since I have updated my blog! Time seems to be flying by!

Today I am 22 weeks pregnant, and I can't believe it's flying by so quick! It seems like just yesterday I found out I was expecting!
I'm really lucky that I don't get sick when I am pregnant, so this has been a breeze! With the exception of Damon trying to sit on my or elbowing/kicking my tummy, everything has been great! I'm feeling our little guy kick more and more. My placenta is on the front side of my tummy so I wasn't feeling him there for a while, but now he's definitely making sure he's known. He must know I'm talking about him right now because he's going crazy!!
Some days it doesn't even feel like I'm pregnant. When I look in the mirror, i'm surprised at how big I am getting, but i'm just glad I don't feel it! I have lots of energy and am loving spending time running around with Damon and taking him to playdates. I know I gotta take advantage of this while I can because in just a few months i'm going to be so uncomfortable. That's the stage of pregnancy I don't look forward to.
So I want to hear some opinions on delivery options. I know there are quite a few of you who had c-sections and I want to know if you decided to have a vbac or go ahead and have another c-section. If you had a vbac and it went smoothly, I'd love to hear about it and maybe some of the things you think helped it along! Right now I'm in the mindset that I'll do a vbac, but I hate worrying about if it's going to be successful or not. It seems to always be in the back of my mind and I just don't want things to happen how they did with Damon. So feel free to leave your comments or shoot me an email or something! I just want to hear some opinions from other mom's who are in my position, or have been at one time!

1 comment:

  1. I should have you read Lissie's sister Hollie's blog and her experience. She too had an emergency C section with her first boy and almost decided to for her second.. but she had a very successful delivery. She goes into pretty good details on her story... If I remember right... So I will send you the links soon!!! :) BUt she did different things to help her labor and delivery!! :)
    PS I love you!
